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A nation of hoarders – Figures reveal Brits are wasting two thirds of their wardrobes on rarely worn clothes 

15 Dec 2015 –– Latest News
A nation of hoarders

The average Brit owns 58 items of clothing but only wears a third of them, according to new figures.

The shock stats were uncovered by Storefirst.com after they asked 2,000 people about their hoarding and buying habits when it comes to fashion finds.

As Christmas approaches, UK consumers could soon be adding to their wardrobes, with clothing making up 62 per cent of gifts received in 2013.

Surprisingly the stats show that men are the biggest hoarders, with only 51 per cent of those asked willing to donate, sell or throw pieces of clothing away each year, compared to 62 per cent of women.

The average British women owns 69 items of clothing, made up of 33 tops, 8 jackets, 11 pairs of trousers and 17 pairs of shoes with an average hoard of £542.

Conversely, the average man owns 23 tops, 6 jackets, 10 pairs of trousers and 8 pairs of shoes with an estimated wardrobe wealth of £453.

Those surveyed also claimed to buy an average of 17 new items a year, but only throw out 13 items during the same period, further adding to the clutter problem.

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