Contractors Love the Kitchen at Store First Wakefield!

With many contractors working from a commercial storage unit at Store First Wakefield, the little things that we can offer make their days easier. Even just offering the use of a kitchen facility comes as a major benefit for many of our customers. Why waste time and money going to local sandwich shops or cafes on your lunch breaks when you can make your own grub? Customers can drop their lunches off into the fridge in the morning ready for their lunch break later on.
Get Handy Facilities and a Self Storage Unit!
With use of a kettle and microwave you won’t need to worry about having a cold lunch in the winter months either. Why not bring in some noodles of the potted variety or last night’s left over casserole? We even have a toaster on site if you wish to make something as simple as beans on toast or want some toast to dip in a nice soup. What other Wakefield self storage facility can offer you this fantastic benefit? We even keep our kitchen supplied with coffee, tea, milk and sugar. All we ask for is donations into the biscuit barrel as a thank you. There is no need to bring in your own mug, cutlery or plates as we have them all available for you here all we ask is for you to wash them up after use.
The Best Self Storage in Wakefield!
We pride ourselves on a clean facility here at Store First Wakefield, not just in our kitchen but also all around the self storage area and yards. We carry out regular checks on our storage units on vacation to make sure they are free of debris as well the corridors and entrances. Why not check out our self storage prices today or call in and see what we can offer you? One of our colleges will be happy to show you all our storage units available and help tailor your storage solutions.