Tall order for Royton Scouts

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Tall order for Royton Scouts

02 May 2014 –– Community News
Royton Scouts

More than 100 Scouts from across the North West faced a tall order when they embarked on a fundraising abseil down St Anne’s Church Tower.

Box Ed

Rochdale Store First Manager Jamie with Box Ed

And support came in a number of forms as Rochdale self storage company Store First sent its official mascot Box Ed to entertain children and adults alike at the family fun day.

The sponsored abseil was organised by 3rd Royton Scouts to raise money for Scout groups across the North West to attend the World Scout Jamboree in Japan next year. More than 30,000 Scouts from 150 different countries are set to gather at the event.

Store First, which has a centre on Cowm Top Lane, offered to help out by funding food and refreshments, as well as sending friendly mascot Box Ed along to help stack up the fun on the day.

sponsored abseil

Box Ed can usually be found at Accrington Stanley FC as Store First is the main sponsor for the club, but he happily met fans of League 2 rivals Rochdale at the event. He was also at the opening of our Preston self storage units which was launched by Storage Hunters star Jesse McClure.

Paul Barlow, assistant unit 54 jamboree leader for Greater Manchester North and East Lancashire said: “It was a fantastic event and a great way to challenge young people to overcome their fears for a great cause – many thanks to Royton Scout District and St Anne’s Church for their support.”

For more information visit www.gmnscouts.org.uk

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