Need a Man Cave? Store First can help you de-clutter to make room for…

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Make your storage space into a man cave

04 May 2017 –– Tips & Advice
Make your storage space into a man cave

Why have a man cave?

Well, I don’t think I need to answer that question for most men. It’s obvious; you want somewhere to close off from the rest of your life. Whether that means somewhere to go and watch the entirety of Super Sunday, followed by whatever Spanish football is on in the evening, or somewhere to go and play Call of Duty, despite the fact you’re 45, man caves offer you (and your family who don’t have to watch you play CoD) an escape.

It could be your shed, your garage, a recently vacated or spare bedroom, or even the attic. Wherever a man cave might be, a staggering 61% of men admitted to having created one in their home in a 2013 survey.

What would you put in your man cave?

This is best answered with the old adage: how long is a piece of string?

The short answer, if you ignore the facetiousness of the first one, is really: whatever you want.

You could use it as a place to store books and files, a place for storing your collection of 1973 Marvel comics (apologies to any Marvel enthusiasts who realise that 1973 – I imagine – is of no particular importance when it comes to comics, let’s just say that it wouldn’t be my specialist subject on Mastermind), somewhere to stack those CDs and DVDs that have become pretty redundant since Netflix and Spotify – but you refuse to dispose of nonetheless.

Or for the more adventurous amongst you, it could become something more than just a storage space.

This is where it gets pretty cool

Assuming you have enough space (and, admittedly, in some of the cases we’re about to cite, enough money) the possibilities, when it comes to what to do and how to style your man cave, are endless.

If you have a garage, spare bedroom, shed, any room, really, that is currently being used as something of a storage-unit-cum-dumping-ground, then clear it out.

If you can’t bear to part with the stuff in there, then you can always give Store First a call, or check out our online self-storage price calculator. We’re confident you won’t find a better price and your things will be well looked after whilst you build your man cave, too.

Once you’ve cleared out your garage, you’ve got a blank canvas to work with. And there are some really good UK companies that will help you to turn your garage into a bona fide temple of masculinity.

One of those firms is, Dura Garages, founded by Dominic Wishlade. He started his business simply fitting metal storage units in garages, but now he offers a full design and build service. Wishlade offers the following reasoning as to why the UK is seeing so many garages being re-purposed into custom built man caves:

“Times have changed and garages get used differently to how they once were. Twenty years ago, cars would rust after a few years, so people would stick them in the garage. Now they’re quite happy to leave an expensive car outside, because they’re much more durable and they want to use the garage for other things.”

Dura Garages really have created some pretty cool man caves from garages that were previously only used for storage and dumping purposes. Just take a look at these bad boys.

There’s still time for these man caves to get even cooler

Now granted, this next example is in America. Specifically, Denver.

However, there is no reason that you can’t replicate this here in the UK, if you don’t have man-cave-space in your house.

Imagine the ultimate man cave.

A 100-inch flat screen. A fridge full of beer. A popcorn machine. A couple of tables surrounded by bar stools. Bare brick walls filled with signed football shirts and neon light beer logos. A bar. A coffee machine. Throw in anything you want to make this your perfect hideaway.

After a few minutes ruminating on just how cool this would be, remember that your kids haven’t moved out yet, your garage actually has a car in it, and your shed is full of tools and a lawnmower.

Annoyingly, you can’t throw your lawnmower out to make room. Unfortunately, you have to keep the kids, too.

Well don’t fret – this Denver company, going by the inspired moniker of Mancaves, have the answer.

They rent self-storage units, but not in a conventional manner, they rent them solely to people who want to use them as man caves.

They have seen their storage units used for storing cars, bikes, boats and snowmobiles, at the same time as being turned, effectively, into bachelor pads away from home. With some of these costing around £200k – they are admittedly out of most people’s price ranges at the top end, but none the less, take a look at some of these.

Have your own man cave

If you need a man cave in your life, but don’t have space at home that isn’t being used for storage, or children, then give Store First a call.

We have a variety of sizes of unit that can accommodate all the stuff you can’t bear to throw out while you repurpose that room to become the last bastion of male solitude in your house.

Get in touch today and see what we can do for you.

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