Why Choose Self Storage Units Liverpool?

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Why Choose Self Storage Units Liverpool?

09 Jun 2013 –– Self Storage News

What makes Store First a great place to work?

Why do we open our doors every day?

Why do we spend so much time making sure our deals and prices second to none?

Why do we invest so much of ourselves into making the store experience world class?

The answer to all these questions is…our customers

Whilst all Store First premises, including self storage units Liverpool, offer unbeatable deals such as £1 for your first 4 weeks; purpose built facilities including boardrooms and breakout areas; 24 hour CCTV and even free a pick up service, essentially we are (for the most part) a lot of empty space. What really brings our site to life are our customers.

Our Customers are the Life of Self Storage Units Liverpool

self storage units Liverpool

At our store on any given day you can find everything from families managing their home businesses, sole traders organising their deliveries to couples moving things in and out of their rooms. Every situation unique and every person a different story, I have never worked for a company (retail or otherwise) where I have really tailored a customer’s solution to their lifestyle and I find it extremely refreshing.

Based in the heart of south Liverpool we have customers from all over the city; literally anyone can benefit from personal storage and in my opinion there is nowhere better than Store First self storage units Liverpool. Not only can we accommodate any amount of space required matched with market leading prices but we also offer a great team with the sole purpose of giving you a world class service and setting you up with the perfect trouble free answer to any of your storage needs.

See for Yourself Why Our Facilities are So Popular!

So why not give us a call today on 0151 341 7777 or pop in for a cuppa and let us show you why Store First self storage units Liverpool is exactly where your valuables should be stored?

Natalie Bond, Store First employee

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