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Cut Costs with Storage in Liverpool

21 Jan 2013 –– Self Storage

Storage in Liverpool - cutting costs for small businesses

There’s no denying that Liverpool is on the up as a shopping and commercial centre. The new £1bn Liverpool One development is now well established, drawing in thousands of shoppers every day from across the North West. And contrary to the doom mongers' warnings, it hasn’t killed off the rest of the city; if anything it has been a breath of fresh air for trade. All of which is great news for small businesses in the retail sector.

Unfortunately, while the exciting renaissance that Liverpool has undergone is bringing in more business and more money, it is also pushing up rents, making it harder than ever for independent shops and stores. But that’s where Store First storage in Liverpool could have the answer.

Instead of renting large premises in the City Centre, with enough space to hold your stock as well as serve your customers, Store First storage in Liverpool lets you store your stock safely and securely off-site, slashing the amount of expensive space you need and making your whole operation that much cheaper to run. And because you can access your stock at Store First storage in Liverpool anytime, twenty four hours a day, your customers will hardly notice the difference. You’ll even make savings on your insurance, because your stock is stored safely out of town, protected by CCTV and key code locks, rather than sitting in a vulnerable city centre lock up or stockroom.

So if you’re thinking of opening a store in Liverpool, or you’re struggling with the rent on the premises you’ve already got, call Store First today and see the difference storage in Liverpool could make for your business. With our help you can enjoy all the benefits of the booming local economy, without the booming costs.

For more details, email or call 01282 899899.

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