For a Covid Safe Christmas Swop Santa’s Sack for Santa’s Storage Unit

This Christmas looks set to be unlike any other with the government predicting Covid restrictions could be in place well into the new year. If you’re worried about coronavirus this Christmas read on to find out how Store First could help you and your family stay safe.
People often grumble about the retail sector putting up Christmas decorations early. It seems strange to see Christmas Trees and Reindeer in October, but there’s a reason for it. Having a great Christmas is all about preparation.
The government’s advice to keep yourself safe is summarised into 3 words: Hands, Face, Space. Two of those things are down to you, but with the third we can help. At Store First, space is our speciality.
To keep yourself and your family safe from the virus, start your shopping early
How many times have you been shopping on the last days before Christmas looking for gifts? This year the busy high streets, the queues, the shops wall to wall with customers, all seem unlikely to happen.
Leaving your Christmas shopping to the last minute is a bad idea at the best of times. This year it’s going to be impossible.
Getting your Christmas shopping done early is great, but it causes another problem.
Where do you store all those gifts while you wait for the festive season to get underway?
If you’ve got big ticket or bulky items like bikes, jet skis, musical instruments, you'll need some serious storage space. A garage or a spare room isn’t really suitable for big things like that. Think about security, about damp, and keeping your surprise gifts away from prying eyes.
The solution? You need somewhere out of the way to keep things safe and dry for the few months leading up to Christmas.
At Store First we’ve got units for as little as £7.50 a week. That’s a small price to pay for peace of mind.
This Christmas you could stay covid safe and avoid the crowds entirely
By doing your shopping online you can keep up social distancing and protect your loved ones. If you’re visiting elderly relatives or coming into contact with particularly vulnerable people you need to be extremely cautious.
Shopping online will reduce the risk, but even by receiving deliveries you’ll come into contact with people outside your household. Think about all the hands your gifts will pass through before they get to your front door. With delivery services, you are the last person in a chain of interactions.
When you take out a Store First storage unit you can avoid that risk by having your Christmas shopping delivered to one of our locations. We’ll receive the delivery on your behalf and put it into storage. Leave it there for two weeks and your gifts will have gone through quarantine safely stored away from sources of infection.
This Christmas looks set to be unlike any other. To keep people safe, we’ve got to do things differently. We’ve got to take extra precautions, and we need to plan ahead.
For more information about Store First and how we could help you, get a price today!