Get the Work Done with Liverpool Self Storage

The schools will soon be breaking up for their usual colossal summer holidays. Having the kids at home all day can really break up your routine. We as a species are easily distracted at times so working from home is difficult at the best of times. The call of the sofa or day time TV can be overwhelming, so it’s a wonder how people who work from home get anything done at all.
Struggling Working from Home?
When it’s the school holidays things get much, much worse. If you have younger children they need your constant attention. Turn your back for the slightest minute and your £50 bottle of perfume is suddenly an ingredient of a bathroom potion or backyard mud pie. Older children come with problems of their own; try uploading your reports when you have teenagers hogging the WIFI Skyping in the next room. If the time comes when you can’t take it any longer and need to go somewhere quiet to get a bit of work done, why not come and see us at Store First's Liverpool self storage centre?
Take on one of our purpose self storage units and you can use all the facilities in the store, including our hot pods. We have space available from 10²ft upwards for as little as £3.50 per week, and you can use your storage unit for anything at all, from clearing out household clutter to work-related equipment and paperwork. Our purpose built ‘hot pods’ are designed to provide a professional work environment where you can escape the distractions and noise of home and concentrate on your work.
Professional 'Hot Pods' at Self Storage Liverpool
By being one of our Liverpool self storage customers you can use any of our offices, meeting rooms, board room or training suite. With free customer WIFI and kitchen areas for getting that much needed caffeine boost it’s the perfect choice to work from home but not from home. Blow off some steam in our customer gym free of charge before you head back to the noisy distractions of home. Give us a call today to see what self storage in Liverpool can offer you 01226 817 817 or get an instant online price for your self storage requirements!