Inside Store First: ACC Services

This week, in our Inside Store First series, we sat down and spoke to Store First Derby tenants, ACC Services, to find out a little bit more about them, what makes them tick and why they chose to base their business from Store First’s Derby self-storage centre.
We caught up with owners, Jonathan and Matthew Roberts, to find out why they chose to base their business from a self-storage pod at Store First.
Who are ACC Services and what do you do?
“ACC Services is a courier and haulage service, we work mostly in the Derby area. But deliver nationally.”
How did you hear about Store First, Derby?
“We’re locals, so we just knew it was here, I guess.”
Why did you decide to operate from a self-storage unit at Store First, Derby?
“It’s ideal for what we do and the added free extras at Store First are an excellent bonus that really help our business to function.”
So how long have you been at Store First?
“We’ve been here since January, 2016, and we love it here.”
How big is the self-storage unit that you’re based from?
“We work from a unit that is 125 sq ft and it’s perfect for us.”
So, what exactly do you use your self-storage unit for, just to store equipment or do your business operations take place there, too?
“A bit of both but mainly to operate our business, we plan our journeys and work from there on a day-to-day basis.”
What additional benefits do you get from operating from Store First?
“It’s in an ideal location and has all the facilities we need to operate successfully.”
Do you make use of the free facilities that are available at Store First?
“Every day. Without them, it would be much harder to function as a business.”
How has being based at Store First’s self-storage centre in Derby helped you to run your business?
“The free facilities are a major bonus. Especially the Wi-Fi and hot-desking facilities, and the Store First staff are always very helpful and will go out of their way to assist us in any way they can.”
If you had to choose something, what would you say the best thing that Store First has done for you is?
“Store First provides an excellent service. To run a business from Store First is really easy, and we even have the ability to have a PO box address with 24-hour access to our unit.”
Would you recommend Store First to other SMEs?
“Yes. Definitely. We think it’s great here, and we’re confident that other businesses would, too. In fact, there are a few other guys running businesses from here, and I know they feel the same as we do, so we don’t see why anyone else wouldn’t agree.
“We’d go as far as to say, give Store First a call and take look around yourself.”