Inside Store First: Curry On Cooking Ltd

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Inside Store First: Curry On Cooking Ltd

05 Dec 2022 –– Community

We've spoke to Nilam Wright who runs Curry On Cooking from a Store First Derby unit.

What is your business called?

Curry On Cooking Ltd

What does your business do?

Nilam Wright runs the business with her little helper Nile Biggs, The Distribution/Warehouse Manager.

The little curry kits come with a recipe and shopping list and 100% natural dry ingredients, not to mention a lot of curry puns! Comedian Nilam AKA Ruby Murray the Comedy Queen of Curry On Cooking selling healthy curry kits, and showcases proper Indian food, introducing Curry On Cooking The Healthy way

Which Store First centre are you based at?

We're based in Store First Derby

How did you hear about Store First?

I heard about Store First through a family friend's recommendation

Why did you decide to run your business from Store First?

The location, parking and kitchen facilities of being able to make a cuppa when you want to! I feel safe knowing that there are cameras everywhere and I love the magic door fob and the trollies. The lift and the ramps make life so much easier too. 

What benefits do you get from operating from Store First?

The courier drop off and pick up means that I don’t have to wait at home potentially all day for this to happen. Plus the bonus free tea and coffee and milk!

We book the conference room regularly to package up the curry kits and to use as an office. 

There’s 24 hour access and the security cameras everywhere, so as a women I feel safe, especially with the magic lights that come on.

It’s clean and the staff are always jolly and nothing is too much trouble.

Do you make use of the free facilities at Store First? (Meeting rooms, kitchen, delivery acceptance etc)

Yes all of the above and the gym too!

How has Store First helped you to run your business successfully?

Peace of mind, the prices had been frozen for many months and I’m grateful for their low rents, being able to get a discount when paying in bulk.

What would you say the best thing Store First has done for your business is?

Given me a work base, I place where I feel I belong and feel nurtured, there’s a wonderful community that evolves in every Store First I’m sure!

Would you recommend Store First to other businesses?

Yes I have done…

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