Inside Store First - Pilkington and Auto Windscreens

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Inside Store First - Pilkington and Auto Windscreens

23 Mar 2021 –– Customer Case Studies
Auto Windscreens have been using Store First for 5 years

Auto Windscreens and Store First: Best in Glass

It can easily happen. You’re driving along and you’ll hear a noise. It could be a little stone flicked up from the car in front, or something as simple as a quick change in temperature.

Your car windscreen is a large, heavy piece of glass. If it’s not been installed properly, or it’s taken a slight bit of damage, pressure points can develop and before you know it there’s a crack.

A little bit of damage to a windscreen might seem trivial, but it will invalidate your insurance, and in the event of an accident it’ll seriously weaken the vehicle. Chips and cracks, no matter how small, need fixing as quickly as possible, and they can happen any time of the day or night.

Auto Windscreens is a company renowned for its ability to respond quickly, and its top customer service. Being successful in business like that is as much about collaboration than about competition.

Glass Manufacturer Pillkington and Auto Windscreens both have key fobs to the same storage unit, that way the two organisations can like their operations and provide a top service to the end user.

We’ve been working with these companies for 5 years and in that time we’ve become an important part of their logistics.

Auto Windscreens offers its customers a 24-hour service, 7 days a week. How do they do it?

The answer is through collaboration. We offer 24-hour access to our storage facilities, and our customers can send and receive deliveries from a unit without actually being present at the time. Our staff will look after all the details.

Auto Windscreens get overnight deliveries from Pilkington to Store First storage units. That means the right part is always in the right area of the country, ready and waiting to be installed day and night.

It’s a refreshingly modern business model. We’ve learnt that the most successful businesses are often the ones that work with others, not against them. No business exists entirely on its own, we’re all part of a value chain (or value system – depending on which book you read). It’s a chain of interlinked suppliers and customers each doing their bit to create a final product.

When you work with Store First that chain becomes a lot stronger.

To find out how we can help your business, give us a ring, find your nearest branch with the store locator tool on our website.

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