Meet the Team - Rushden Manager, Chris

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Meet the Team - Rushden Manager, Chris

13 Nov 2023 –– Meet the Team

We caught up with our Rushden Store Manager, Chris, he spilled the beans on what makes his job so amazing and threw in some fun facts for good measure!

Q1. If you could store anything in the world in one of our units for free, what would it be?

My Wife’s shoe collection, I need the space.

Q2. What's the most unusual job you've ever had before joining this team?

You could say there were some unusual characters in one of my previous jobs as a bookmaker.

Q3. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done, or something on your bucket list you're excited to check off?

I would love to visit Australia, having been on several holidays, that is one place I am yet to experience, it looks amazing. Minus the spiders.

Q4. Share a fun fact about yourself that most team members don't know.

I play (or try to play) the piano and have done for 20 years.

Q5. What's your favourite way to unwind and de-stress after a long day at work?

I try and stay motivated enough to visit the gym at least 4 times a week and when the weather allows, I will go and ride my motorbike (at the speed limit).

Q6. Share your favourite team memory or the funniest moment you've experienced with your colleagues.

One of my team members is much clumsier than the average person so it is almost guaranteed that on a weekly, if not daily basis there will be reason to laugh if not with then at them. Too many to choose from.

Q7. What's your hidden talent or hobby that you're passionate about outside of work?

I can hit a little white ball into a hole really far away in fewer shots than the average person.

Q8. What's your favourite aspect of working at Store First and helping customers with their storage needs?

When customers are expecting the process to be a difficult one, and amongst all the stress of a house move or migrating a business into one of our offices they are often extremely thankful and surprised at how easy it is to go through this process with us.

Q9. If you could have any historical figure as a customer, who would it be, and what do you think they'd store?

Julius Caesar – In this instance, he can store whatever he wants. No questions asked.

Q10. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three items, what would they be?

Difficult one, I would like to take my dog but feel like if I’m stranded, he shouldn’t have to be, so:

1. Endless supply of water, somehow.

2. A magnifying glass

3. Swiss army knife

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