Prepare for Winter with Self Storage in Manchester

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Prepare for Winter with Self Storage in Manchester

10 Sept 2013 –– Company News

New self Storage in Manchester from Store First

Yes folks unfortunately the long summer we have been fortunate to have this year is coming to an end, which means paddling pools, garden furniture and outdoor play equipment are going to be taking up precious space in your sheds, garages or even your house. Worse still, they could be left rotting and degrading in your garden over the harsh winter months, only to be unusable come next summer.

Self Storage in Manchester to Suit You

Well here at Storefirst we have the solution! Simply bring your summer equipment to our self storage in Manchester and we can store it for you over the undoubtedly long winter we will have to endure this year. We have units ranging from 10²ft all the way up to 475²ft which means whatever you want to store, whether it be a paddling pool all the way up to an Olympic sized trampoline, we can accommodate your needs.

As we are on the subject of winter we all know what’s coming - Christmas of course!

Keep Presents safe from Prying Eyes!

It may be months away yet but we all know that the best way to tackle Christmas shopping is to start early. If you don’t want to run the risk of the kids or that special someone stumbling over their present accidentally then what better way to keep it safe, insured and most importantly out of sight than to in Storefirst self storage in Manchester?

To find out more about self storage in Manchester please don’t hesitate to contact us, or why not pop in and visit us in our well equipped facility? Our friendly storage experts will help you find the right sized self storage unit for your requirements, and with no fixed contract and just £1 a week for your first 4 weeks there’s no reason not to choose self storage in Manchester!

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