Self Storage: We All Need It!

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Self Storage: We All Need It!

14 Jul 2014 –– Self Storage
Declutter your home or office with self-storage

STORAGE! It’s becoming a way of life. We all need it.

We might not know it yet but we do!

Just take a look at how many storage facilities are popping up around the country, it is fast becoming the norm to have things in storage. Let’s be honest, we are a nation of hoarders, we like to keep things whether for sentimental reasons or practical reasons, whether we just need to create more space or just want to store those things that we don’t use very often, knowing they are in a safe place.

I myself realised I needed storage 12 months ago when I moved house. It’s surprising how much “stuff” one can accumulate, even after a de-clutter!!

My wife’s summer clothes, my sons fishing gear, heaps and heaps of memorable photographs I have been meaning to scan and save to disk for years! Furniture that my wife says “doesn’t go” with the new décor but really does not want to sell yet. Oh and the exercise bike and treadmill she never used,”I will do” she says, “just not yet” ! It’s all safe and sound in storage.

Then there is the garage, a story I have told a few times now and it’s surprising how many of my customers are in the same predicament. It became apparent that my garage was packed to the rafters with around £1000 worth of stuff, like suitcases containing smaller suitcases containing sports bags and back packs containing handbags with purses in them, like those Russian dolls you played with as a kid that keep getting smaller and smaller. Tools I haven’t used in an age but will come in handy one day. Oh yes, and my Ferguson videostar VHS Video player I can’t get rid of because I won’t be able to watch those home videos of my children growing up.and a whole load of other things that we just want to’ keep’ Leaving no room for my beloved car worth many more thousands !!

So this is why we need storage, we all do - we just haven’t had to admit it yet.

Self Storage in Burnley is Here to Help!

With Store First storage in Burnley you can store your items for as little as £10 a week. Why not keep your possessions safe and secure all year round without having to throw anything away?

At Store First Self-Storage in Burnley we want to make your storage experience as pleasant and easy as possible by providing fantastic purpose built storage facilities that are convenient, secure and affordable at £1 for storage for the first 4 weeks with no obligation to stay after the offer ends but we know you will because of our fantastic regular prices and the difference it will make to your use of space at home.

Store First in Liverpool Road Burnley can help you with your storage and sorting needs, either by using us a short term fix to store the stuff you are not sure about or as a long term solution to keeping your treasured possessions safe without having to hunt high and low.

Storage Burnley

The units provide 24 hour access and short/long term leasing with 24/7 CCTV, you can be sure that all your belongings will be safe and secure whilst you keep your house looking good. We have local storage in Burnley providing easy convenient access to all your belongings.

Store First Storage in Burnley offers competitive domestic self-storage units at our sites across the North West; so no matter what you need storage space for, Store First have the home storage solution for you. Ring us and arrange a walk round to see what we can offer you – 01282 787989 or just drop into our facility in Liverpool Road or visit our website

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