Store First saves Christmas: Mince Pie Mondays and short-term storage

Christmas is on its way! Are you prepared? Fear not, Store First is here to lighten the load in more ways than one. Let us explain!
The countdown to Christmas is here. Let's face it, once November is underway you're a hop, skip and a jump to the big day and it's all systems go. Is it just us, or is it getting harder to get organised for Christmas every year? The questions running through our minds may be similar to yours...
Where can I store all my Christmas presents where the kids won't find them?
When will I get round to wrapping up all my Christmas presents?
How can I make space for Christmas visitors?
Where can I put all my business's extra Christmas stock?
Don't worry! We are here to help!
Mince Pie Mondays
Every Monday throughout the month of December, we are setting up wrapping stations in every single Store First centre. That's right - for the whole of the run-up to Christmas, our Mince Pie Mondays are here to help you get sorted. Pop in on your lunch break or after work to escape prying eyes and ensure everything is wrapped and organised. We'll have plenty of sellotape and scissors to get the job done (not to mention coffee and mince pies to spur you on!).
Wrap your presents up with us and you'll have Christmas wrapped up in no time. Leaving you free to put your feet up and enjoy a well-earned mulled wine!
Short-term Christmas storage solutions
Christmas takes over the house and if you're anything like us, it will send you a little crazy!
Once you've sorted out the wrapping of your gifts at our Mince Pie Mondays, you may be left wondering where on earth to stash all of those presents. Let's face it, we could all do with some extra room at this time of year. The festive period is a busy time for everyone, so naturally many of us search for short-term storage deals for Christmas.
More good news, as we can come to the rescue here, too!
If your home can't cope with the Christmas clutter, call on us to lend a helping hand. Our storage centre teams have some "Santa-stic" deals on short-term Christmas storage solutions that will help you navigate the yuletide rush with ease.
So, whether you need to hide presents away from prying eyes, clear out the spare room for visiting family or simply stash summer clothes away until the nights are lighter, we're here to help. After all, a storage unit is one place they're guaranteed not to look!
Store surplus stock
Your business is likely to be experiencing a busy time, too. Maybe you've ordered extra stock to see you through the festive period, printed thousands of flyers to promote your January sale or simply need to store seasonal goods while space is limited.
Our business customers rely on us for 24/7 access, free WiFi, free pickup, workstations, meeting rooms and more. We offer flexible business storage leases and we are cheaper than the rest - ask in-store for details on how to make our space your space.
50% off first 12 weeks
Everyone loves a Christmas bargain and here at Store First, we're no exception. Sign up for a storepod of any size throughout December and we'll give you 50% off your first 12 weeks' storage.
£15k contents protection included
It may seem like a Chistmas cracker, but this is actually available all year round! That's right, we offer every customer who takes out short term or long term storage with us a fantastic £15,000 contents protection. It comes as part and parcel (geddit?) when you choose Store First as your self storage provider. In fact, it's yet another way we manage to be up to 30% cheaper than the competition, and another perk for our loyal customers.
Free padlock
Believe it or not, free padlocks are for life, not just for Christmas, here at Store First. Every customer who signs up to a storage unit of any size with Store First bags a free padlock to safely store their belongings with us. It's just another small way we try to help you to cut the cost of storage. Plus, it should help you keep your Christmas budget on lockdown!
24/7 access
Anyone else just feel like there are not enough hours in the day in the run up to Christmas? You're certainly not alone. And while we can't make time stop, what we can do is offer you 24-hour access to your storage unit, throughout the Christmas period. All of our tenants enjoy 24/7 access to their storage unit, 365 days a year. We know this will come in handy, especially during the festive madness. So, whether you need to pop into the centre after hours to stash some presents or even need to make a Christmas morning dash to the store for that forgotten stocking filler, you have free access whenever you need it.
Contact your local Store First
Store First teams are here to help and answer all of your questions about Christmas self storage. Get in touch with your local centre by browsing locations and selecting your nearest facility here.