Business is Booming for Store First Barnsley!

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Business is Booming for Store First Barnsley!

30 Jun 2013 –– Self Storage News

We are now into our first full month of business here at Store First Barnsley and things are going well. With over 1000²ft already moved in and over 900²ft already reserved June is looking like a brilliant month for the newest store in the company.

We are looking to start our “Flat Pack Promotion” as soon as the building is finished which should generate even more future move ins. The idea behind the promotion is to enlighten people like myself that live in a flat/apartment and so only have a small amount of household space, that a cost effective solution is available: Store First self storage units.

By promoting the free use of our onsite gym that could usually cost upwards of £18 per month if you had to pay for membership elsewhere. This makes the £18 cost of our 10²ft pod for 4 weeks a real bargain. It’s as though you are getting the storage for FREE! Going forward we will look at setting up marketing to eBay businesses advertising in local post offices maybe. Now is the time to act if you want to use  Storage Barnsley; the ground floor is filling up fast and in no time at all we could be moving our customers into pods 3 floors up.

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