Get Organised For The Holiday Season

Read our best advice on creating more space in your home for Christmas to get organised this holiday season.
The festive season is fast approaching, and it can feel like a stressful time of year; with family and friends coming and going, it can make your home feel hectic.
Make room for the new
It can seem like a daunting task when it comes to decluttering for Christmas. You will thank yourself for making space for any new gifts, toys and appliances you receive, as it will save you a lot of clearing and reshuffling over the season.
Store presents out of sight
Did you know that you can rent a locker with Store First? Lockers are a great way of keeping gifts hidden until the big day - out of the way of little fingers looking for gifts and stops any surprises being spoiled! It’s a perfect way to keep space in your home and presents safe and secure. You can even get your items delivered to the store! We’ll take in deliveries and keep them safe for you to store them.
Sell or donate unwanted belongings.
It's the season of giving, so why not donate any unwanted gifts, clothes or games to charity? Anything you have that you have never worn or used, contribute to a charity of your choice. If you need a bit of extra cash for Christmas, pop your items on Facebook marketplace or eBay - it'll clear your home out, and you'll make a little extra money.
If you’re looking for more storage options and need a larger space for an affordable price, find a solution suited to your needs with our self storage price calculator.