Meet the Team - Leeds Manager, Mike

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Meet the Team - Leeds Manager, Mike

05 Dec 2023 –– Meet the Team

We caught up with our Leeds Store Manager, Mike, who told us his favourite things about working at Store First as well as a few interesting facts about himself!

Name & Job Title

Mike – Store Manager

What Store do you work at?

Leeds, Leeds, Leeds!

If you could store anything in the world in one of our units for free, what would it be?

The items that I currently store, but just for free!

What's the most unusual job you've ever had before joining this team?

I worked in a scam call centre for less than 4 hours before realising it was a scam call centre.

What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done or something you're excited to check off on your bucket list?

I walked the Great Wall of China and explored the Chinese Taklamakan desert.

Could you share a fun fact about yourself that most team members don't know?

I have nine toes.

What's your favourite way to unwind and de-stress after a long day at work?

I crotchet hats for little cats.

Share your favourite team memory or the funniest moment you've experienced with your colleagues.

One of our old colleagues fell into one side of a taxi and out the other side at a Christmas party.

What's your hidden talent or hobby that you're passionate about outside of work?

Crocheting hats for little cats.

What's your favourite aspect of working at Store First and helping customers with their storage needs?

The rapport built with customers who regularly attend is one of my favourite aspects of working here.

If you could have any historical figure as a customer, who would it be, and what do you think they'd store?

I would have Martin Bekins visit the store, and he would probably store household items of people new to the country.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have three items, what would they be?

Crochet hook, wool, and a small cat without a hat.

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