Store First throws its weight behind charity challenge

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Store First throws weight behind charity challenge

05 Apr 2018 –– Charity
Store First supports Barnsley Hospice fundraising challenge

Store First's Barnsley centre has been praised by a local charity for putting its weight behind a charity challenge.

Sam Birchall, manager of Store First Burnley, pledged to lose "pounds for pounds" in an Accumulator Challenge set by Barnsley Hospice. The challenge encouraged local businesses to raise money for the hospice using their own imaginations.

Sam to throw his weight behind the challenge and lose as many pounds as possible during the month of February.

Clocking in at 304.7lbs at the beginning of the month, Sam quickly lost 8lbs in the first week of the challenge. He then shed another 4lbs in the second week of his sponsored slim. Speaking at the time, he said: "I have resisted a lot of temptation! I have simply cut out junk food and I am drinking nothing but water at the minute."

Week three saw Sam shed another 4lbs. This took his grand total to an incredible 16lbs lost in the space of (a very short!) month. Over the course of the month, Sam raised a total of £390 in cash in aid of Barnsley Hospice. He ended the challenge by celebrating his birthday on 1 March an impressive 16lbs down from his starting weight.

At a presentation evening held at Barnsley Hospice last week, it was announced that Sam came in 8th place overall in the Accumulator Challenge. The event was attended by Sam, along with his Barnsley centre colleague Steve Caves and regional manager Darrel Coggin.

A grand total of £9220.23 was raised overall by all involved in the fundraising challenge.

Other businesses which took part in the Accumulator Challenge in aid of Barnsley Hospice included Barnsley College, the Closet Queen and Churchfield Vets, CAPITA, Victoria Medical Centre, Wilby's, BMBC's comms department Hair Revolution, Yorkshire Psychotherapy, Barnsley Norse and White's Bakery.

On behalf of everyone at Store First, a huge well done to everyone involved in this fantastic challenge - great work all round and a fantastic effort for a very deserving cause!

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